A cat wears a dinosaur Halloween costume indoors and when a tabby cat approaches and sees the costumed cat, he arches his back and slowly backs away before the costumed cat falls over while trying to walk and the tabby cat runs away.
A fishing man holds a net and a pole and moves toward the water to catch his fish in a net when he trips next to his dog and the net falls over the dog, catching the dog underneath.
An English spaniel dog plays tug-of-war with a toy with a King Charles Cavalier dog when the second dog lets go and the English spaniel falls off a bed at home indoors.
A woman jumps off a beanbag onto a treadmill that is already on and he falls down. The treadmill pulls her shorts off and then shoots her off the back.
A cat jumps off a table in the living room onto a blanket that hangs on three chairs and the blanket falls down and pulls the three chairs down on the cat while it falls.
A young boy picks up a large plastic egg and jumps on it because he thinks it's a balloon and he can pop it, but the egg breaks in half and he falls over onto the floor.
A dog stands on the top of a couch in the living room and looks out the window and another dog jumps up next to it and they both fall behind the couch.
A teen boy tries to jump over a bush outdoors using a crutch as a vault, and falls just as the crutch spins around and hits him in the back of the head.